
Package manager for python and system libraries.

Dependency management is a struggle for Python. There are several ways to do it, which adds to the confusion.

Conda, from, is a complete package manager that can install python dependencies and other libraries you need.

One of the big challenges in installing dependencies is that you need to know how how to install all the system libraries that python packages need to run. System repositories like Apt have specific versions which are compatible with eachother, but may not be with your project.

Conda can look at the versions required by the python packages and install the right library version in an isolated environment.


Download the script from and run it to install.


Create a new environment

conda create -n PROJECT_NAME python=3.10

Activate environment

conda activate PROJECT_NAME

Environments will stack and inherit packages unless --no-stack is used.


View all configurable options

conda config --describe

Disable activation by default

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

