Cloudflare is a web security and networking service that has many tools that can speed up and protect your site.
Domain names
When you enter a website url into the browser's address bar, it uses DNS to look up the IP address for the...
Stacks and queues are fundamental patterns for processing lists.
A stack is a last in, first out operation. Think...
When working on a feature, we may need to get updates from the main development branch.
We could merge the development...
Git tips and tricks.
Formatted list of recent commits
git for-each-ref \ --sort=committerdate refs/remotes/ \ --format='%...
Compiling CSS code.
We may start a new project with a single CSS file and break it up later.
As projects grow, we need...
When an element is larger than it's container, it will overflow.
When an element is set to max-width: 100%, it can still...
px: A pixel. Use for setting specific sizes.
em: Width of "m" character in the element's font size. Use for scaling...
Pseudo classes are css targets for elements in a given state.
This code will set links to be red when hovered.
a:hover {...
Tables represent tabular data.