Service to get info from URL

drush eval "print_r(\Drupal::service('smart_link')->getUrlInfo($url))"

Services are loaded when necessary and easy to access in other modules.

To turn the previous code into a service, first we need to set up a services file.

    class: Drupal\smart_link\SmartLink

Then we need the service class.



namespace Drupal\smart_link;

use Masterminds\HTML5;

 * SmartLink service.
class SmartLink {

   * The Masterminds/HTML5 library.
   * @var HTML5
  protected $html5;

   * Constructs a SmartLinkService object.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->html5 = new HTML5();

   * Get URL info.
  public function getUrlInfo($url) {
    $page = $this->html5->load($url);
    $meta = [];
    $description = '';
    foreach ($page->getElementsByTagName('meta') as $meta_element) {
      if ($meta_element->getAttribute('name') == 'description') {
        $description = $meta_element->getAttribute('content');
      $meta[] = simplexml_import_dom($meta_element)->asXML();

    return [
      'domain' => parse_url($url)['host'],
      'path' => parse_url($url)['path'],
      'description' => $description,
      'title' => $page->getElementsByTagName('title')[0]->textContent,
      'h1' => $page->getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]->textContent,
      'meta' => implode("\n", $meta),



Call the function from drush

drush eval "print_r(\Drupal::service('smart_link')->getUrlInfo($url))"