Web Hosting

Your site runs on a server.

It's a box connected to the internet, or a virtual machine in the cloud.

The network configuration resolves a url address to the server's IP, and the web server software responds to the HTTP request with HTML.

Web hosting options range from self hosting to services and platforms.

You can learn how to build a web server and host things yourself.

These skills in linux and networks are useful when moving to the cloud.

Services like self hosting, vps, and cloud offer scalable back ends.

Some platforms are specifically built for your stack and can make it easier to focus on your application.

Some options:

  • Self hosting/local development
  • Co-location
  • Shared hosts
    • Bluehost
    • A2
  • Cloud services
    • Digital Ocean
    • AWS/Azure/Google Cloud
  • VPS
  • Platforms
    • Vercel