FreeBSD is like an alternative to Linux, useful for routing, web servers, and embedded systems.
Using FreeBSD
To scroll up...
CPU, Memory, Storage, Network.
A modern CPU has multiple cores and it's own memory. These specs on the box help...
Define a site on the system.
Rewrite urls to modify how directories are accessed.
A system administrator has a huge number of applications and services they can download and install for their...
Docker is a popular system for creating, hosting and deploying linux containers.
Linux containers are better than...
Icons are often needed for a menu toggle or search bar.
A basic icon could be implemented as a background image on a div...
Bourne again shell, the standard Linux terminal.
A shell is an environment for running commands and scripts. It's a text...
Vite is a next generation build tool for javascript applications. It can be used as an asset bundler and development...
Coding for different browsers.
Browsers fetch HTML from the server, loads all the CSS, JS, images, and other assets...