Front end development deals with coding the client side of an app, the part the user sees and interacts with.
CSS can become a tangled mess as we add styles over time and lose track of what they were for. BEM and SMACSS are naming...
Your site's header provides navigation and is visible on every page. It's important for it to be usable and look good...
Dynamic components can change after they are loaded, without refreshing the page.
A panel overlaying your main...
Cron is an OS utility for scheduling commands to run on a recurring schedule.
In unix based systems, running cro...
Some useful techniques for finding and fixing problems.
When you get an error, it should tell you which line...
Create custom modules with the Drupal API.
It's helpful to think of the existing core and contrib code as examples of...
XDebug is a code debugger that lets you stop your code while it's running, and step through line by line. You can see...