Create a SQLite 3 database and import tasks.json.
First, install sqlite3.
npm i sqlite3
Create src/scripts/loadTasks.mjs
import { readFile } from "fs/promises"
import sqlite3 from "sqlite3"
const tasksFile = './src/app/data/tasks.json'
const tasksDb = './tasks.db'
Connect to the database. It will automatically be created if the file path does not exist.
function getDatabase() {
return new sqlite3.Database(tasksDb, (error) => {
if (error) {
Create the task table. db.serialize() is used to ensure this runs before data is inserted.
function initDatabase() {
const db = getDatabase()
db.serialize(() => {
id text NOT NULL,
title text NOT NULL,
status text NOT NULL,
label text NOT NULL,
priority text NOT NULL
)`, error => {
if (error) {
return db
The table should only be created on the first run. Check if the file path exists and run initDatabase() if not.
function loadDatabase(tasksDb) {
return readFile(tasksDb)
.then(() => getDatabase())
.catch(() => initDatabase())
Load the tasks.json file.
function loadTasks() {
.then(tasks => insertTasks(tasks))
.catch(error => console.log(error))
Insert tasks.
function insertTasks(tasks) {
loadDatabase().then(db => {
tasks.forEach(task => {
db.serialize(() => {`INSERT INTO task VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [, task.title, task.status, task.label, task.priority])
Lastly, add a call to loadTasks() after the file path constants.
const tasksFile = './src/app/data/tasks.json'
const tasksDb = './tasks.db'
Call the script with node src/scripts/loadTasks.mjs
, or configure package.json and call with npm run load-tasks
"scripts": {
"load-tasks": "node src/scripts/loadTasks.mjs"